Main research areas: |
Software Architectures, Model-Driven Engineering, Model Management & Compiling, Object Oriented Conceptual Modeling, Foundations of Object Orientation |
Email: |
iramos-. at .-dsic.upv.es |
Prof. Dr. Isidro Ramos is a full professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He coordinates the Software Engineering and Information Systems research group (http://issi.dsic.upv.es). He is currently working in the Model-Driven Engineering field and in the Software Architectures field.
José A. Carsí received his PhD degree in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Valencia in 1999. He is currently an Associate Professor at the same university. His research interest are: component models, software architectures, aspect-oriented software development, model compilers, software evolution and model management.
Jennifer Pérez is graduated in Computer Science from the Universidad Politénica de Valencia. Currently, she is an associate professor at the E.U. Informatica of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain, since 2007. She was the Project Manager of the "PRISMA: Model Compiler of aspect-oriented component-based software architectures" Microsoft Research Cambridge Project and a member of the DYNAMICA project TIC2003-07776-C02-02. Her research interests are focused on software architectures, component-based software development, aspect-oriented software development, model compilers and evolution.
Nour Ali is graduated in Computer Science from Bir-Zeit University-Palestine. She received her PhD degree from the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Lero, the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre of the University of Limerick. She had been a member of the Microsoft Research Cambridge Project: "PRISMA Model Compiler of aspect-oriented component-based software architectures". Her research interests are software architectures, distributed and mobile systems, aspect-oriented software development and automatic code generation.
Cristóbal Costa -Soria is graduated in Computer Science from the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. Since 2006, he is currently a PhD student at the same university, performing his thesis about the Dynamic Evolution and Reconfiguration of Aspect-Oriented Software Architectures. He had been granted for the development of the PRISMA .NET Middleware to support complex, distributed, dynamic and highly reusable software architectures. His research interests include dynamic software evolution, dynamic reconfiguration, aspect-oriented software architectures, model-driven software development, self-adaptive systems and fault-tolerant software systems.
Elena Navarro is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department in the University of Castilla-La Mancha. She received her Master degree in Computer Science from University of Murcia, Spain in 1999. Previously, she was working as a researcher in the Informatics Lab of the Agricultural University of Athens, contributing to the CHOROCHRONOS European Project. In addition, she was working as staff in the Regional Government of Murcia, Spain. Her research interests include Requirements Models, Traceability Techniques, Variability Management, Aspect Oriented Software Development, Software Architecture Descriptions and Formal Methods at early stages.
Manuel Llavador is a Computer Science student at the School of Computer Science of the Valencia Technical University (Spain). His current research interests are emergency management information systems (and therefore coordination, CWCS, Information Retrieval, etc.), bibliography management and software engineering. He has received grants from Microsoft Research Cambridge and from the Spanish Government.